Mobile SDKs

Gravatar’s mobile SDKs for iOS and Android bring the power of globally recognized avatars to your mobile applications, providing seamless integration for user profiles and enhancing personalization capabilities. Here’s an overview of what these SDKs offer and how to get started.


The Gravatar SDKs simplify the integration of Gravatar profiles into your mobile apps, enabling you to fetch and display user avatars and profile information effortlessly. Key features include:

  • Profile Integration: Connect user profiles to their Gravatar, ensuring a consistent and recognizable identity across various apps and services.
  • Easy Setup: Quickly integrate with minimal effort, reducing development overhead and streamlining user experience.
  • Customization: Customize the display of avatars and profile information to match your app’s design and user experience needs.

Learn more:

Android SDK | iOS SDK

Provide a link to and let your users know how to edit their Gravatar profile. Use of our free APIs is governed by these Guidelines for Responsible Use. Documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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